The Library of Guiding Principles

“To be well informed, one must read quickly a great number of merely instructive books. To be cultivated, one must read slowly and with a lingering appreciation the comparatively few books that have been written by men who lived, thought, and felt with style.” — Aldous Huxley


Do you like books? I sure do. I amassed a formidable library of both physical and digital books, collected enthusiastically for decades. My love of reading is one of the few things that has stayed with me since childhood, despite my ever-evolving tastes and preferences.


One of my intentions for this year is to find a good home for the hundreds of books on health and wellness I currently have to keep in storage. (The numerous shelves and bookcases in my house are already overflowing.) Do you have an idea or suggestion for a good home for my book-babies? Please let me know.


My second intention is to become more deliberate about what I’m reading. I stayed up late one night going through all the books I have, and some of the books I want, to determine what I will be reading this year. A spreadsheet was born. (Have I mentioned how much I loooove spreadsheets? Seriously. I haven’t found a support group for that issue yet, so I’m going it alone.)


The 50 books I’ve chosen for 2017 span a wide range of genres – fiction, memoir, personal development, business books, spiritual books, writing books, poetry and a smattering of erotic literature (for research, of course). I’m currently on number 7, in case you’re interested.


I’m enjoying crossing each item off the list when I finish and letting myself get excited about what’s coming up next. Lest you think that I’m rushing to get through the whole pile, I’ve actually instituted a grown-up book report requirement. I compile my notes, bookmarks and questions into a review sheet for each book, further cementing in the learning. (My daughter made extreme gagging sounds when I described this to her. “Book reports, Mom? That’s totally sick,” said the high school freshman.)


It also feeds into one of my guiding principles for this year – deliberate action. I have a sense of what I’m working on this year, personally and professionally, and I’ve chosen books that broaden my knowledge, inspire my creativity and feed my soul.


I’ve chosen my books, (allowing for some spontaneous additions, of course) and scheduled my reading time, which feels amazing. Now that we’re in the last few days that most people even remember that they made New Year’s resolutions, what remains for you? What have you committed to – intentionally, deliberately, unfailingly – to move you closer and closer to the YOU wanting to be born?


I love hearing your stories – both the successes and the struggles. This Wednesday February 1st at noon, I’ll be talking about deliberate action, intentions and how to live out our guiding principles. Join me at for a lively discussion, and maybe even a guided tour of the book room.


Here’s to deliberate action, the power of books, and living our principles,


P.S. Speaking of books, I’m finishing up the latest revisions on my new novel, which has been suuuuper fun and exciting. (Really.) It’s sexy and suspenseful with a splash of magic. Interested in being an early reader in exchange for comments and suggestions? Let me know and I’ll get the manuscript out to you as soon as it’s ready. Which will be soon. Promise.