Growing Up and Out

10 Things I No Longer Believe About Myself

If you think it’s too hard to change, remember – you once wore diapers.

Here’s my list of beliefs that have gone the way of pull-ups, purple hair and footie pajamas. (Ok, maybe the footie pajamas are still around ;))


1. A shy girl can’t do bold things.

On stage in front of 4000 people?? Yup. ‘Nuff said


2. My early experiences of relationship will shape my future, negatively.

This one took an excruciatingly long time to clear out. (And I still find an occasional dustbunny.) I am not my parents. I’m not even the same me from my past. New experiences are always just a choice away.


3. I can’t be taken seriously if I’m sexy, spiritual or straight-talkin’.

Stilettos in great cities, dirty feet in sandy temples and saying ‘no’ to the status quo are the new ingredients of my delicious life. Mmmm…


4.If I don’t have a fancy degree in it, I’m not credible.

From a family where you were nobody unless MD or PhD followed your name, I’ve come a long way, baby. The school of life has taught me infinitely more, and made me a much better guide than all of my fancy degrees, combined.


5.Vulnerability is weakness.

Nonsense. Don’t believe me? Ask Brene Brown. And she’s super smart (too).


6. I have to judge myself harshly in anticipation of the world judging me harshly.

Thankfully, the world is always kinder than the gremlins in my head. They are viciously mean.


7. Holding a grudge protects me from getting hurt again.

Ever heard the one about drinking poison, hoping that the other person dies? Never works. Seriously, don’t do it.


8. If I think it, it must be real.

I love my big brain. It’s been a point of pride for… ever. The lesson was to love my big heart (insert huge self-hug) and realize that thoughts are like clouds – they come and go – but love is like the sun. It’s always there (or coming back shortly).


9. Being different is a liability.

I wish I could get back all those years I spent trying to fit in. To what? Average, normal, mediocre. Ick. Let your freak flag fly!


10. The circumstances of my life determine the quality of my life.

It took a lot of teachers to get this one through my thick skull. Thank you to everyone from Lord Buddha to Sofi Bliss. Everything is a lesson and a blessing. Livin’ it, y’all.


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