Lovemaking and Moneymaking

First of all, this is not a post about prostitution.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…

I’m in the most wonderful honeymoon period of a new love relationship. It has been downright distracting, to say the least.

Instead of doing my work, running my business or taking care of my house, I wanted to be with my honey, or even just sit and daydream about him. I felt like a lovestruck teenager. It’s been delicious, but not necessarily conducive to managing a multi-part, highly responsibility-driven life.

Have you experienced this? Maybe not with a new relationship, but perhaps with anything you find new, exciting, engaging and entertaining? (Writing parts of my novel also felt like this.)

What to do, you might ask, when you strongly want to engage in something other than what you are supposed to be doing?

The solution is not to apply your indomitable will, or handcuff yourself to your laptop.

Living in the world of dreaminess, pleasure and creativity makes you a nicer person to be around (your friends told me so) as well as providing fuel to your more serious pursuits. I am a more productive business owner, more in tune with the needs of my clients and community, when I stop fighting the distraction and let it inspire me.

Thankfully, I figured it out before going into full-scale panic about the work piling up around me. In that fresh space of better balance, a new idea to support you was born.

It’s a bite-sized program to get you back on track with your business or other responsibilities you might have, when the world is offering you an enticing distraction (which is always, isnt’ it?).

It’s a super easy (and affordable) way to get access to private coaching from me, in a manageable time frame, to get something important done by the end of the year. Because I strongly believe that the easiest way to start the year off right is to end it on an upswing. Regardless of the opiate of daydreams.

During our six sessions together, we’ll work on enjoying what’s pleasurable AND getting the important stuff done (like bringing in the cashola). I offer the best of what I’ve been successfully teaching for nearly a decade in terms of healing, habit upgrades, and learning how to turbo boost your creativity. We incorporate my fundamental principles around the sacred art of satisfaction, the divinity of pleasure and the impetus for expansion and expression.

The fun starts now, and we conclude by the fireworks that close off 2014.

I’m only taking 10 clients, as this will be an intensively personalized program, and I’m committed to getting everybody rockin’ and rollin’. And I’m going to make it simple… no big sales pitch or marketing message. Just click here to get in touch and I’ll get you the details ASAP.

Now, I’m off to make a sexy and nourishing dinner with my man. That’s what I call feeding my soul…


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