Poem Bonanza

2017 feels poetic, doesn’t it?

I remember learning poetry in school. Even when I could tell a poem was important, or powerful, I struggled to understand what it meant. From the lyric poetry of the Greeks, to Elizabethan sonnets, to  Haiku, it always left me a bit… lost.

I’m not sure if it was life experience, a wider choice of poems, or the release of my need for everything to make logical sense, but all of a sudden poetry became amazing. I not only heard it with my ears, I felt it with my body. My heart sang, YES!

My daughter had to learn and perform a poem for school this week and it was a great reminder of how much pleasure it brings me. (She did great, btw.)

Today, I share with you a gift I received from a treasured advisor, that shifted me off of a pointless path, as well as a piece that greeted me out of sleep, just before the recent snowfall around my house.

Wishing you blossoms of delight from the poetry of your life,





by Martha Postlewaite


Do not try to save

the whole world

or do anything grandiose.


Instead, create

a clearing

in the dense forest

of your life

and wait there


until the song

that is your life

falls into your own cupped hands

and you recognize and greet it.


Only then will you know

how to give yourself

to this world

so worthy of rescue.



by Pascale Kavanagh


A solitary span of broad black wings

circles and loops in an all white sky.


Snow below and clouds above

unite the spectrum into a single shade.

Blur the edge between here and there.


Without contrast, what is free

and what is lost?