I welcome leading those interested in learning how to trade in their suffering for a more nourishing, juicy life.
As a soulful and inspiring speaker, I strive to empower audiences to take greater control of their lives by deepening their awareness of the gifts that our most difficult experiences have to offer.
Utilizing my Tools For Thriving, I can lead and contribute to workshops, seminars, executive retreats, panels, and meetings, offering participants opportunities to examine the beliefs that may be holding them back from reaching their goals. Learning how to free up more mental energy leads directly to higher-levels of decision making, increased vitality, and sustained productivity for years to come.
Life can bring even the smartest, most ambitious, most conscientious, most loving people to their knees. I know because it happened to me. Thus, I know how important it is for high-functioning people to receive support from guides like myself during the darker days – and, even more importantly – to get in touch with their own, divine, inner strengths which can help them avoid those days altogether.
Feel free to contact me to see if we’re a good match and to discuss tailoring a presentation or interactive experience to fit the needs of your group or organization.
Download my Speaker One Sheet.
She listens to what the people around her are experiencing in their day and tailors the session to resolve immediate concerns, with great affect! Pascale is gentle and reassuring while encouraging people to trust in themselves to develop their abilities to appropriate levels for each individual. I feel fortunate for having her imprint on my days.
– Janet McCarthy
recent interviews:
I feel fortunate to have been able to take Pascale’s classes. They helped me to go through some rough parts of my life.
– Kate Lavrenov, scientist, GE Healthcare