Call Me A Snowflake
I woke the other morning to a snowstorm outside my window. It was coming down in thick, chunky clumps, with nary a delicate snowflake to be found. I was reminded of something I had read, written by a person who equated those condemning the current administration to ‘snowflakes’. I had to think about that…
Why Crappy Stuff Happens
One might imagine that while climbing the enlightenment ladder things get easier – life circumstances shift, bringing rainbow unicorns to our doorsteps to carry us off into the sunset. Gosh, how I wish that were true. But it directly conflicts with the whole point of this wild ride we call life. Here’s how it rolls…
Excuse Me, This is My Seat
Excuse me, this is my seat. How do I know? I just do. Just like I know this is my hand, and this is my child, and this is my life. I worked really hard for that seat. I didn’t always succeed, but that’s why it’s that seat. It’s not for the perfectly perfect. There…