The Gift Of A Week Gone Wrong
It’s been a very odd week. My daughter had surgery to rebuild a knee destroyed in a bad ski accident, our first foray into major medical issues. The two of us spent four days camped out in the living room, the upstairs bedrooms no longer accessible. I worked (inefficiently), she slept, and we…
Call Me A Snowflake
I woke the other morning to a snowstorm outside my window. It was coming down in thick, chunky clumps, with nary a delicate snowflake to be found. I was reminded of something I had read, written by a person who equated those condemning the current administration to ‘snowflakes’. I had to think about that…
A Slick Protective Coating
I have dreamed of being dunked in a huge vat of Teflon. Yes, I understand it’s gruesomely toxic, but still… Wouldn’t it be nice to be impervious? To be completely protected from any possible harm, accidental or not? To wipe yourself clean after any experience without any scars or marks left behind? Sometimes I…
Naked and Unafraid
Just two days before a weeklong trip to Los Angeles, I learned that the housing I had arranged was no longer available. I then began a frenzied search to find a place to stay in one of the most popular tourist areas of California. I booked a room using an online rental service that I…
Help! I Need Somebody…
Are you humming? I’ve never been the biggest Beatles fan (blasphemy, I know) but their tunes sure are catchy. Back to the topic at hand. How good are you at asking for help? How often do you default to the toddler’s battle cry: “I can do it BY MYSELF!” Hmmm… I thought…
Daring Greatly and My Jar of Marbles
The words of Brené Brown’s newest book, Daring Greatly, stream from my car speakers, my attention split between the demanding traffic and the back-to-back insights hitting my eardrums. This drive, which I have been obligated to make on a regular basis for many years, is always met with enormous amounts of resistance. Today is no exception.…